Friday, August 9, 2013

Susan name necklace

I took this photo form here
this blog is mine and he is dealing on personalization
“Modernism isn't a design ethos any more, it's an economy of scale, and a marketing tool to sell the ordinary as something special,  just for you "

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Name necklaces previews

A lot of times users ask me about name previews
Since  this impossible to make all the names at the world
We made a special section called name necklace samples
Here is the example for the name kailey

You can order this necklace here

Here is a sample for  THE name ALANNA

 You can order this name necklace here

As i wrote before we can produce any name at nay language
Have a great day

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Visit To A Jewelry Store

I think that one of the most exciting times in a little girl’s life is her first visit to a jewelry store. Then again, I think that a lot of women never grow out of that feeling of excitement either! There is something magical about looking at all of the sparkling pieces glittering in the jewelry store window, even if you cannot afford to buy everything that you see.

My youngest daughter’s face lit up when she saw all of the lovely children’s items when I first took her to a jewelry store. When we went inside she felt like a princess being able to try on all of the bracelets and necklaces with cute designs and the jewelry store workers seemed to enjoy the experience of watching her almost as much. When we left the jewelry store with her new bracelet safely wrapped up she was clinging onto the bag as if it was the most precious thing in the world. She still has that bracelet even now, although it has long since gotten too small for her to wear, and it reminds me of that first trip we took to the jewelry store together.

Of course, a jewelry store can also be an extremely romantic place. Sound strange? Well, think about it. How many couples go to a jewelry store together to pick out their wedding rings? I know how electrifying it felt when my fianc? and I went to choose our wedding rings and finally found a jewelry store that had the perfect ones in their window. When we went inside we both had a feeling that this was going to symbolize the start of our new life together and the jewelry store played an important part in that.

I guess it doesn’t matter what you buy in a jewelry store they always seem to have an air of something special about them. It might be the fact that there are a lot of expensive items around and everything is shimmering with that newly-cleaned look that only jewelry store workers seem to be able to achieve!

Sometimes it is easy to feel a little underdressed, especially when you enter some of the more exclusive types of jewelry store that you have to ring a bell to be let into but I love them all the same. I must admit that I am not a big jewelry wearer but I do like to have a couple of nice pieces for special occasions and often take a look around the local jewelry store when I need cheering up. It might sound silly but maybe you should try it too – all that brightness around me certainly seems to rub off and raise my spirits.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Couples names necklace makes a romantic holiday gift

Split heart name necklace 

A personalized couples names necklace makes an especially romantic holiday gift for your sweetie. You can find several variations on the couples names necklace at online retailers, but here are a few of the most popular styles to get you started:

A ring couples names necklace. This style features a pendant shaped like a flat ring. Typically, one name will be inscribed on each side of the ring, but the couple's initials can also be paired with their anniversary date. Usually cast in silver or gold, these engraved names necklace rings might also feature gemstones, such as diamonds, or the birthstones of the couple. A single stone may also be added to signify the month of their anniversary. This style of couples names necklace is popular because it looks like a wedding ring!

A double names necklace. This is a cast names necklace, but instead of one name, it features two, typically separated by a charm, such as a heart. The cast letters may be formed of silver or gold. This type of couples names necklace is slightly more simple, since it usually doesn't feature fancy engraving or stones, but it's no less sweet!

A split heart names necklace. Exactly what it sounds like, this is actually two pendants which together form a heart. Each half bears an engraved name (like “Matthew” and “Mariah”), with he wearing her name and she wearing his name. This is a very sentimental pick for a guy who isn't afraid to wear his heart around his neck!

A couples initials names necklace. If you both have long names and a double names necklace might be too chunky, consider a pendant that features a single initial for each of you. A birthstone or a heart charm might be added as a personalized touch. It might be small, but it will still win your loved one's heart!